Sleep routine products that naturally enhance your health and wellbeing through achieving quality sleep naturally.

Rashia Bell



Beauty, Health & Wellness


Ships from the US, Canada and Singapore

RE.VITYL is looking to raise funding to successfully scale the business within its 3 global distribution markets, and further develop it's mineral technology.

Sleeplessness is an epidemic that has been only exacerbated by the current pandemic. People are tired of relying on addictive prescriptions or sleep tracker technology that is reactive instead of preventative.

Launched in May 2020 as a solution-based elemental energy Sleep Magic company, RE.VITYL offers a total natural sleep routine in their products, ranging from mineral infused sleep masks, aromatherapy sprays and mattress inserts. RE.VITYL’s products are organic and sustainable, with the hero products being infused with a unique natural mineral energy.

Retailer partners include: Lane Crawford, Indigo Canada, The Shopping Channel

Sold in 4 Four Seasons Hotel Properties Globally with potential expansion to 10 more

Featured in a corporate gift program for Nike.